
RESURRECTION MEN are an alternative rock band formed in 2008 in the post-industrial city of Coventry, UK. With a three-pronged guitar attack producing gloomy atmospherics and hypnotic waves of noise, the band puts on a live show that is felt as much as it is heard, and is not easily forgotten. They threw genres aside with their long-awaited full length album "Resurrection Men Must Die" in 2014 and followed it up with "No" in October 2017.


FÜTUMCHE! are alternative rock / post punk band from London / Coventry. Think think  Fugazi, Tuxedomoon, Killing Joke, Primus, Jay Reatard, Magazine, The Residents, with a hint in Ennio Morricone thrown in for good measure.

GUNTHER PRAGUE are a rock / post rock / noise band from Coventry. Think Mclusky, Harvey Milk, Killing Joke, Black Eyes, King Crimson... A typical show consists of fifteen blasts of noise in 30 minutes, half songs, half instrumentals. Deliberately awkward, louder than necessary

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Slowbro are an instrumental stoner/doom metal band from Coventry, UK. Dual wielding 8-string guitars, they interweave bone-crushing heaviness with ethereal melodies and a psychedelic edge that warps the senses.